Digital communication reached its youth in 2020. The way we interact has changed dramatically, whether it’s through video meetings, instant messaging, or file sharing. As newly distributed workforces sought to identify the most efficient ways to interact while no longer sharing a physical area, this transition generated a seismic rift in most firms. Microsoft Teams is the answer.

The COVID-19 epidemic, which has been present since 2016, catapulted Teams into the forefront. It is now the fastest-growing Microsoft program in history, with over 330,000 enterprises around the world using it. Teams, on the other hand, is frequently misunderstood as a basic chat platform. It appears to have an endless features and shortcuts.

Microsoft Teams has grown in popularity because to its integration with Microsoft 365. You get a messaging app at no extra charge that lets you develop and integrate with over 600 apps, including the complete Microsoft Office suite. Of course, because cloud-based Microsoft 365 is such a strong platform that practically every organization today uses it, you’ve probably already set up Teams!

Let’s have a look at some more useful tricks and tips!

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Microsoft Teams Hacks

1. Translate

Users can use Teams’ translate feature to change the default language to their Lingua Franca to improve comprehension. This unique multilingual capability is more likely to help larger organizations and educational institutions with a presence in multiple countries.

To find to it, go to the top right corner of your screen and click on your profile, then select Settings from the dropdown menu. Then go to the Languages section and choose your preferred language, then press Enter to switch languages.

2. Whiteboard

Whiteboards are excellent for developing ideas, collaboration, and sharing. You can add a whiteboard to your meetings with Microsoft Teams and share ideas and doodles with your team members. Watch the video below to learn how to include whiteboards into your meetings.

3.  Add a Quick Poll to your page

Another fantastic Microsoft team idea is to include a poll in your team’s channel or chat. Microsoft Forms, a Teams platform software, is used to construct polls. You may easily submit surveys or questions and receive immediate responses from your team members using polls.

To add a poll to your conversation, go to your Teams’ message bar and click on the Microsoft Forms icon; if the Forms App isn’t visible, click on the three dots at the end of the last symbol to locate it. The next stage is to design the poll’s questions, surveys, or quizzes, and then distribute them to the participants. Based on user participation, you will receive feedback statistics.

4.  Announcements and texts

You now can send rich text messages and announcements within the platform. You may simply send your messages in a more organised and organised manner with rich text messaging. To enable rich message feature, simply go to your Teams’ message bar and click the rich text button.

5.  Filter messages using the “@mention” feature

Microsoft Teams is focused around keeping you in touch with your teammates, which is why it features a quick way to locate them when you need to send them a message. Simply type the @ sign into the search field to discover the name you’re looking for, and you’ll be able to message them directly no matter where you are on the app.

@mentions can also be used to filter recent activity and prioritise messages that are intended for you. While in the Activity page, click the Filter button and select @mentions from the drop-down option to find them.

6.  No disturbance

You might just want to filter out the distractions so you can focus entirely on the conversation at hand without being distracted by notifications. To do so, go to the Notifications tab on your profile picture (top right corner) and adjust the type and frequency of your alerts.

7.  Improve Your Background

Hiding your backdrop is one of the top Microsoft Teams tips. You can achieve this in one of two ways: by blurring the image or by using a stock image. When you first attend a meeting, go to the audio and video options screen, click the ellipsis (…), and choose Blur my background.

Launch video chat and select a custom background from the menu by clicking the ellipsis. To see a sidebar with some nice-looking background photos, select “Show background” effects.

8. Use animated GIFs to foster a sense of community

The culture of a company is a crucial component of its success. GIFs and bespoke reactions may appear superficial, but they can make employees feel more connected, which is vital at a time when remote working has separated them. Simply click the GIF icon below your image. To find a lot of GIFs, start a new message box and type a term.

9. Teams with Apps

Microsoft Teams gives you limitless possibilities with over 100 app connections. In Teams, there’s an app for everything. Switching apps can be tedious at times, which is why Teams brings everything together in one place.

To access the apps, go to the sidebar and click the three dots. You can either choose from the featured apps or go to “More apps” to see what else is available. You may also use app categories to narrow down your search and add apps to your chat instantly.

10. Make use of SharePoint.

SharePoint, Microsoft’s file-sharing and security technology, is already built into Microsoft Teams. By selecting the Files option, you can use SharePoint to share files with other Team members. If a file has been shared to a Channel, members of your team can collaborate on it using Office Online or one of its desktop apps.

11. Email Forwarding to a Channel

Email may have gone out of style, but it still exists, and many people use it on a daily basis. As a result, Microsoft has made it simple to forward an email to any of your Microsoft Teams channels. To do so, look for the ellipsis next to the channel name and select Get email address from the drop-down menu. This generates an email address for the channel, which you may use to send messages directly. It’s a practical way to make it more accessible.

12. Mobile versions

Microsoft Teams is more than just a web application. It’s also available for Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile. Of course, not every function would work on a smaller screen, so these applications keep to the essentials of team conversations and channels, which is exactly what you need when you’re on the go.

13. Messages to be saved for later

Because you can’t accomplish everything at once, you may need to return to a message later to give it your complete attention. To save a message, simply mouse over it and click the ellipsis (…), then click Save this message. To view stored messages, type /Saved followed by Enter in the search box. They’ll show up in the left-hand pane. You can also unsave messages from here by clicking the bookmark button in the top right corner of each message.


14. “Team Breakouts” feature

Another Microsoft Teams hack is Team Breakouts. Within a Microsoft Teams meeting, event, or conference, it’s a terrific feature for forming sub-groups or think tanks. For brainstorming, improved teamwork, and impact, the organiser divides the participants into groups.

Final Thoughts

There’s a lot more to Microsoft Teams than collaboration. It’s a platform that, when used correctly, may double or even tenfold your productivity; it was made for it. Make an effort not to confine yourself to the familiar aspects, since there is always something new to discover. For optimal impact and efficiency, study and execute these 14 Microsoft Teams hacks, tips, and tricks.

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