Are you wondering what the best AI email writing tools are? Email writing is one of the most basic tasks for every professional, yet it can be one of the most time-consuming. Thankfully, modern AI software, including the best free AI email writers, makes it possible to automate most of your email writing. With the right tools, you can say goodbye to the hours of agonizing over whether your emails sound professional, freeing you to focus on more important work.

These tools can help generate emails, serve as an AI assistant, and improve your outreach emails. Whether you need an email copy, email assistant, or free email writing assistance, the best free AI email writers have got you covered.

If you’re wondering how AI email writers work and which ones you should consider using, stick around! In this article, we’ll explore the top seven best free AI email writers that you can use to improve the speed and quality of your email communication.

These tools can save time, reduce errors, and ensure consistency in tone and style. Let’s get started!

💡 Generate personalized emails, blog articles, product descriptions, and ads in seconds using the power of A.I

What is an AI Email Writer?

AI email writers are simply pieces of software that use artificial intelligence to create authentic, human-sounding emails.

“Like all other AI writing tools, AI email writers take instructions–also called prompts–from human users, and then create brand new email text based on these instructions. While an AI email writer can relieve you of having to do so much, you still need to feed it with high-quality prompts,” explains Brandy Hastings, SEO Strategist at SmartSites

While these principles generally apply to all AI email writers, some of these tools are better at doing this than others, as you’ll see subsequently.

In addition to their ability to automate the email creation process, AI email writers are also able to improve your grammar and help you structure your emails more professionally.

What are the Different Types of AI Email Writers?

There are tons of AI writing tools that can create emails, but they don’t all work the same way Some of these tools are just generic AI tools, like ChatGPT, that can be used for a variety of purposes.

On the other hand, there are AI content writing tools that can be used for any sort of writing, including, writing blog posts and social media content, creating emails, and so on.

As Leigh McKenzie, Community Advocate at Traffic Think Tank puts it, “AI tools are becoming increasingly indispensable to SEO, and have the ability to completely take over some parts of the process. A good example would be AI writing tools, which are getting increasingly adept at SEO content writing, and other facets of content marketing.”

In addition to generic AI tools and AI content writing tools, there is also some marketing software that offers powerful AI email writing capabilities. These tools, including the best free AI email writers, are typically designed for email marketing and may be particularly useful for sales and marketing professionals.

As you can see, this means that you’ll have a ton of options when it comes to AI email writers. So how do you pick the best one? Before we dive into our list of what we consider to be the best free AI email writers, we’ll first take a look at some of the factors that we think you should consider in picking your preferred tool.

Choosing the Right AI Email Writer

When picking the best free AI email writers, it’s important to think about what fits your needs. Some email marketing tools are better for composing professional emails, while others might be great for casual messages. Look for an AI-powered email writer that lets you easily adjust the tone of your email, whether you want it formal or friendly.

Another thing to check is how well it handles email threads. The best free AI email writers will help you keep your conversations organized and make it easy to write an email without starting from scratch each time. Overall, the benefits of using an AI for email composition are clear- it saves time and ensures your emails always hit the right note.

What Should You Consider When Choosing an AI Email Writer?

To help you sift through the numerous options, here are three important questions to ask before you decide:

  1. What Are Your Needs?

AI email writers work differently and may be designed to do different things. For the best results, you should choose the one that particularly excels at creating the sort of emails that you need.

As Jeffrey Zhou, CEO and Founder of Fig Loans, shares, “People need to resist the urge to just pay for the most expensive tool out there. If you’re only using AI email writers for internal communication needs, for example, then you may not need a high-powered sales and marketing-focused tool.”

In the modern day, more and more businesses are turning to powerful pieces of software to help automate and streamline key processes. In many cases, these tools are designed to cater to the needs of specific industries, and a good example of this is how enterprise resource planning (ERP) software designed for the steel industry optimizes and integrates various manufacturing processes to improve efficiency. Similarly, some AI email writing software have features that are designed to match specific industries or business functions.

To learn more about how AI can drive automation, this guide to the rise of AI and automation is an excellent place to start.

2. Is the AI Email Writer Easy to Use?

Some AI writers are easier to use than others. If you don’t have any experience using AI tools, you may want to get started with simpler, more intuitive AI writers like ChatGPT, for example. These AI email assistants can help you write everything from email responses to marketing emails. On the other hand, more experienced marketers may find more value in tools like Hubspot, which offer advanced features for crafting sales emails and managing email templates. WriteCream is an excellent choice for people just looking to write emails and create other content. With its generative AI capabilities and versatile writing software, it’s a great tool for creating effective email copy and enhancing your email outreach.

3. Does its Pricing Align With Your Budget?

How much does the tool cost? Some tools offer free plans, while others have paid plans with more features. It’s often the case that many cheaper or even free AI writers offer similar features and capabilities when compared with some pricier options. We’ve picked out some email writers that you can use for free alongside some premium options, as you’ll see in the next section.

Benefits Of Using An AI Email Writing Tool

Using an AI email writing tool can make your email writing process much easier and more efficient. These tools, like Flowrite and Lavender, offer several benefits that can improve the way you handle email marketing and communication. With an AI email writer, you get more than just a helper; you get a sophisticated assistant that can make your emails stand out.

Here are some benefits of using these tools:

  • Generate an Email Quickly: AI email writers can help you create an email in minutes, saving you time and effort.
  • Analyze Your Email: They can analyze your email to make sure it’s clear and engaging.
  • Improve Your Email: These tools offer suggestions to enhance your email’s effectiveness and style.
  • Learn From Your Writing: AI email writing assistants learn from your writing habits to tailor suggestions and improve your future emails.
  • Email Marketing Software Integration: They often integrate with your existing email marketing software, making the whole process smoother.

Using AI to write emails and manage your campaigns can revolutionize your email strategy by bringing expertise and efficiency into the mix. Whether you’re looking for AI copywriting tools or the 18 best AI email writing solutions, these tools are designed to streamline your email writing and marketing efforts.

Making AI Writing Accessible to Everyone

AI writing tools have truly made it easier for everyone to write effective and engaging emails. By breaking down barriers, these tools have made it simple for people, regardless of their writing skills, to create professional emails. The best free ai email writers can help you generate your email quickly, ensuring it’s well-written and polished. This means you can focus more on other aspects of your work without worrying about crafting the perfect message.

Here are some key ways these AI tools revolutionize your email marketing experience:

  • Automated Email Creation: AI writing tools automate the email creation process, saving you time and effort.
  • Free Email Subject Line Suggestions: They offer suggestions for free email subject lines to grab attention and increase open rates.
  • Improve Your Email Message: These tools help improve your email message by providing tips and corrections.
  • Integrate with Popular Email Services: They work seamlessly with popular email services, making your email marketing efforts smoother.
  • Engaging Email Campaigns: AI-powered email writers help you create engaging email campaigns that resonate with your audience.

AI writing tools are perfect for anyone looking for AI solutions to enhance their email marketing efforts. Whether you need an AI email writer that helps or a writing assistant that helps refine your messages, these tools are here to support you. AI will generate emails that are not only professional but also tailored to your needs, helping you create effective and engaging campaigns effortlessly.

What Are The Best Free AI Email Writers?

Here’s a list of the seven best free AI email writers that can help cut down your manual email writing while improving the delivery of your messages:

  1. Writecream

If you’re looking for one AI writer to support all your writing tasks, including email writing, WriteCream might be the one. Writecream is an advanced multipurpose AI content generator with a dedicated email draft generator. The business email draft generator is an instant, one-click solution that can churn out professional-sounding emails within seconds.

To use Writecream’s email draft generator effectively, you simply need to provide some essential information such as the intended email recipient’s name, as well as the subject of the email and the purpose of the email. With these details, Writecream can then get to work creating professional-sounding email drafts for you to work with.

Writecream also offers features that support different types of content writing. For example, in addition to being able to write emails, Writcream can create blog posts and social content and is an excellent AI story generator making it an excellent multi-purpose content-writing tool.

Writecream Pricing,

Writecream is free to use, with its Unlimited plan on offer for $9 per month.

2. Autoklose Komposer

Are you a marketer or sales professional? Autoklose Komposer might be the right AI email writer for you. Autoklose is a powerful multi-purpose marketing and sales tool. For marketers or sales professionals, this tool is a great all-in-one solution that supports things like email campaign management and provides a handy content assistant called Komposer.

The content assistant is capable of writing emails, and it provides several templates to help speed up the process. For marketers, Komposer also offers the ability to craft tailored emails for specific segments of your audience.

Autoklose Pricing

Autoklose starts at $59.99 per user, monthly.


For marketing and sales professionals looking for an alternative to Komposer, could be a great choice. is a powerful AI tool that excels at generating diverse types of content, including emails.

To get started with email writing on, you can use one of the prebuilt templates or provide your own prompts to better suit your needs. This flexibility allows you to take charge of the writing process, creating emails that reflect your specific needs.

If your goal is to create and manage emails for sales and marketing purposes, then you’ll find’s email writing features particularly useful. The software is designed to analyze your audience, brand goals, and voice to create emails and email subject lines that align with them, helping to ensure that your emails connect with your audience effectively. Pricing is free to use but paid plans start at $36 per month.

4. Rytr

Rytr is a multi-purpose AI writing assistant that includes an AI email generator among its many features. It offers numerous templates and supports up to 30 languages, making it a versatile tool.

For email writing, as with some of the other tools we’ve discussed so far, you can either use one of the prebuilt templates to get started or simply provide your own prompts to create custom content.

Beginners may enjoy using Rytr, as it offers a straightforward and user-friendly interface.

Rytr Pricing

Rytr is free to use with paid plans starting at $9 monthly.

5. Flowrite

Flowrite is an AI email tool that assists with crafting replies to your emails. Flowrite can be a great support tool for people who need to receive and respond to a high volume of incoming emails, such as people who work in customer support.

You can install Flowrite as a browser extension, and once installed, It will be able to read and create multiple potential replies to your emails. Additionally, it allows users to create standardized greetings and sign-offs, which are great for adding a personal touch to every message.

Flowrite Pricing

Flowrite is available at $48 annually.

6. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is arguably one of the most popular and powerful AI tools around. From running complex mathematical calculations to writing code and creating emails, ChatGPT can do quite a lot.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one AI tool that can also write emails, ChatGPT might be the one. For instance, if you’re a law firm that specializes in compensation claims, ChatGPT can not only help you draft parts of the claim, but it would also be able to draft emails about the claim, perhaps to help speed up communications with the client.

An additional point in favor of using ChatGPt is the fact that it’s exceptionally easy to use, even for beginners.

ChatGPT Pricing

ChatGPT is free to use but offers paid plans that start at $20 per month.

7. Jasper AI (formerly Jarvis)

Jasper is another great tool for anyone who spends a lot of their time writing emails. Jasper offers a bunch of pre-trained templates that will give you a head start with your email creation.

Another of the things you might enjoy about using Jasper is the fact that you can install it as a Chrome extension, which allows you to use the AI email writer on other applications, such as Google Docs.

Writers may enjoy using Jasper’s pre-trained templates that help you get started with writing your stories much quicker and more efficiently.

Jasper Pricing

Jasper starts at $39 per month.

How to Use AI Email Writers Effectively For AI Email Writing

Choosing the right AI email writer is one thing, but it’s quite another to get the best out of the tool you choose. So here are a few simple rules to follow, to get the best emails from any Ai email writer:

  1. Tell the Tools What to Do in Detail

The most important thing to do when working with AI email writers–or any AI writer for that matter–is to give the tool precise instructions.

Brooke Webber, Head of Marketing at Ninja Patches explains this in greater depth when she says, “AI tools are extremely powerful but their output is not always useful or usable, and this often depends on the quality of instructions that are fed into them. For AI email writing, the intended outcome of your email should be clearly laid out to help the tool interpret your instructions effectively.”

  1. Provide Clear Context To Your AI Email Writing Tool

Providing context can help AI email writers create emails that are more contextually appropriate. For instance, you might want to adopt a different tone when speaking to a customer than you would when speaking to a co-worker or your boss. Letting the tool know details such as these can help improve outcomes.

  1. Always Review Results Of Your AI Email Assistant

While modern AI software is generally extremely powerful, it still has some limitations. AI email writers may sometimes present inaccurate information or misunderstand your prompts, so be sure to review and edit your AI-generated emails before you hit the send button!

Roman Zrazhevskiy, Founder & CEO at MIRA Safety, speaking on the place of humans in an AI-dominated world, had this to say: “AI tools are getting much smarter, but the idea that they’ll completely replace humans is misplaced. The human touch combined with the unprecedented power of AI yields the best results.”

  1. Add a Personal Touch to your email copy

While one of the goals of using the best free AI email writers would be to reduce the amount of time you have to spend writing emails to the bare minimum, you shouldn’t eliminate the personal touch completely. Taking a few seconds to enrich your emails with some warmth or with some element of your own personal style, such as a unique email signature, is a great way to add some extra value to them.

According to John Baek, Founder of JSB Digital Works, “AI tools are great but sometimes the true marketing magic happens when you find ways to connect with your audience. AI email writers can give you scale and efficiency but connecting on a human level is every marketer’s most important achievable.”

Final Thoughts

In this article, we’ve discussed what AI email writers are and how they work, how to choose the best ones, and which ones we think you should choose from. Hopefully, you now have a better idea of which tools you’d like to try! If you enjoyed reading this guide, we invite you to read our guide to maximizing ROI through marketing automation.

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