If you’re newly developing a business, one of the most important things for you to understand is Client Persona. The most important thing in any business is the customer. If you don’t understand your buyer persona, then you might be in trouble. In this article, we will talk about what buyer persona is and provide you with a free buyer persona template.

What is Client Persona or Customer Persona? 

Client Persona, also known as buyer persona or customer persona or user persona, is basically the ideal type of customer in accordance with your business. To understand what your buyer persona helps with, you need to compile the attributes of your existing clients who frequently use your product/service. Once you figure out which type of people are your target audience, you can easily decipher a Buyer Persona.

Why do you need to build your buyer persona? 

It might seem odd to study customers in such a detailed basis. It is common knowledge that businesses require a good customer base but very few know that it is also important to have enough knowledge about the demographic of their ideal customer, that is, their target customer.

If you create a buyer persona, it can help your marketing and sales in many ways. Let’s take a look at how creating buyer persona may help you out.

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1. Once you come up with a Buyer Persona, you can limit and manage your marketing efforts to the ones that suit their attributes.

2. This will save a lot of time and energy and money, by reducing the marketing budget.

3. This will help you understand whom to approach. Instead of explaining your product to people who aren’t willing to hear you out or understanding what it is, you can survey and have a clear knowledge of whom to approach and who to avoid using marketing campaigns, sales team, market research, customer support and so on.

4. When clients are given the importance they want, they are more likely to be inclined towards you. And if you fail to understand them (client persona), then all the effort put into advertisement, campaigning, events and so on, are a waste.

How to create a Buyer Persona Template? (along with a free template)

It’s fairly easy to create a Client Persona Template or a Customer Persona Template for your brand. All you need to do is to follow just a few steps.

1. First, you need to do a thorough research about your customers and potential clients that align with your brand. You need to analyse different types of customers to define your buyer persona. Find out who are your existing customers, understand your customers, your social media followers/audience, customers that are usually targeted by your competitors and so on. Do an in depth research doing analytics and build a buyer persona.

Using demographics (on any social media platform), you can find out:

• Age group

• Style of life

• Who makes purchasing decisions (depending on the size of your business)

• Which language is an easier method for them to understand

• How much they can afford

• Their interests as well as dislikes

• Whether the location of your company is an issue (if it’s a small business)

To gather more insight for the representation of your ideal customer, find out which social media platforms your customers are most active on, it can be Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and so on.

2. Second, you need to figure out the motive behind every purchase and focus on what your brand offers.It might be professional or personal depending on your product and service. Along with that, try to figure out what  customer pain points they are trying to solve and whether you are able to solve them. You can use social media as well as customer care to figure out the customer journey. Accordingly, you can prepare a marketing team to persuade your customers.

3. Third, understand your part in all of this. What do you entail? When a customer makes a purchase, they don’t look at just the features of the product or service but also it’s benefits. This is what you need to focus on, too. You are required to look at your products from the view of your customers. This will help with making your service more customer-friendly and to create your own buyer persona.

4. Now, you can create your Client Persona. After using Analytics, customer care, social media platforms to understand who your potential customers are, it is time for you to gather the common attributes each of them share. Your Client Persona has to seem real to you, and for this, you can give them a name, an age, maybe a job title and so on. For example, your client base can be between the age group of 25 to 28, some of them are just starting their career and some of them are starting a family. This is just an example. Use Analytics to help you figure it out. This will help you understand their finances and whether or not they would spend on your product/service.

If you follow these steps properly, you’ll be done creating a Client Persona in no time. We have created a sample template to guide you further. Click here to access it.

We hope this article was of help. Please don’t forget to leave a comment, as we would love to know your thoughts. All the best!

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