How To Thank Someone For Connecting On Linkedin

LinkedIn is for anyone who wants to grow their professional life by being open to new opportunities by connecting with other professionals from various fields. Consider LinkedIn to be the high-tech version of attending a traditional networking event, where you meet other professionals in person, chat about what you do, and exchange business cards.

LinkedIn can come in handy, whether you’re a marketing executive at a major corporation, a small local shop owner, or even a first-year university student looking for their first job after graduating.

Establishing personal connections on LinkedIn is quite crucial. Positive interactions on LinkedIn can go a long way, whether looking for a new job, generating new leads for your brand, or simply expanding your professional network. You can’t get away with generic content or sending spam messages to people. So, how do you ensure that you make a positive opinion on others? What should you say in your LinkedIn thank you note after connecting with someone?

What is a LinkedIn Thank You message ?

At first glance, the answer appears to be right in the question. When you want to thank someone for whatever reason, you may send them a message through LinkedIn Messenger. They may help you to boost your career or business by enabling you to improve your B2B professional and sales strategies.Β 

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What is a LinkedIn Thank You message

A Thank You message is simply a statement in which you thank someone for what they have done. However, when you break it down, there are numerous reasons why you may send one to someone, as well as multiple steps to creating a personalized version. The majority of people who send thank you messages do so after having a positive interaction.Β 

Some other cases might be,

  • After accepting a connection request – This has been discussed in detail further down; there are various reasons why you might wish to accept a particular user’s request.
  • Post an interview or meeting – It can help to reaffirm points you made during a previous interaction.
  • On reading content shared by them – Adding a personal touch to your Thank You message will help you communicate your gratitude in greater depth.
  • Reconnecting with someone – Texting an old colleague or employer who has previously helped you make connections and open up to opportunities.

These messages all vary from each other and serve different goals. However, when it comes to networking and sales strategy, each proves to be an essential tool.

Why is a Thank You message for connecting important ?

Gratitude is a crucial element of connection building, and it is an action that will make you feel just as good as the person you’re thanking. Saying thank you to someone can strengthen the bond, yet many individuals find writing a thank you message challenging.

However, if you can overcome this dilemma, you will find that expressing your gratitude is usually warmly received. People want to feel good about their interactions on platforms like LinkedIn, no matter how big or small. After connecting with someone, sending a properly timed thank you message can go a long way toward creating that relationship. It’s also an excellent method to strike up a conversation, whether you’ve met the individual in person or not. If you’re in sales, it’s also a brilliant strategy to get additional leads.

Sending a thank you message is also a great way to stay on someone’s radar while also expressing that you care about your connection with them. It’s also an excellent approach to follow up if you’ve inquired about interacting with somebody.

Why is a Thank You message important

How to write the best Thank You message ?

It’s important to remember that initial impressions on LinkedIn are extremely critical. Therefore your invitation message and follow-ups are crucial for future conversions and sales.Β 

It is advised to spend some time exploring the profiles of your connections and learning more about them. To stand out from the crowd, you should craft your Thank You message to suit the receiver’s context. Thus a customized message with a personal touch always proves to be beneficial.Β 

Here are some you should keep in mind while writing a Thank You message.

1. Keep it brief and conciseΒ 

Thank You message serves three purposes:Β 

  • reaffirming your name to the recruiter
  • reminding the recruiter of what you talked about, when and whereΒ 
  • delivering satisfaction through its statement of gratitude.

Make sure your text comprises these three, and that should be enough. Lengthy texts can be tedious and challenging to read, and your contacts are just as busy as you are. So, unless the situation demands for it, try to keep your email message to 100 words or less.

However, do not come up as abrupt and awkward while trying to be concise. Messiness indicates that you are hurrying your penmanship as much as your thoughts, so take your time and write or as best you can.

2. Keep the focus on them

The β€œthank you” message is primarily intended to strengthen ties for the future. To accomplish this, avoid focusing just on yourself, your service, or your products, and instead make your conversation more about them.

If you want to establish a long-term communication channel with them, end your thank you note with a question that is relevant to them. This increases the likelihood of them responding. If you’re patient enough to listen to them, they’ll gladly agree to talk about themselves.

3. Engage in their content

Like and share their LinkedIn posts, and don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments (don’t underestimate the importance of commenting on posts!). People put in a lot of time and effort to create their content, so the fact that you take the time to read and connect with it is really appreciated.

4. Share something in common

It’s considerably easier to approach folks with whom you share interests. If you add that you’re from the same group, club, or field, they’ll be more inclined to connect with you and feel closer to you.

5. Personalize your message

Don’t simply copy and paste the same template for each individual. It will be clear that your message isn’t genuine. Instead, provide some personalized details to convey that you genuinely care. You can send personalized thank you messages on LinkedIn.

Personalize your message

Show the connections that you have seen on their profile and mention anything from it that they are likely proud of. The more you discover about them and tailor your message, the more enthusiastic their reaction will be. They will believe as if you’ve been following their work for some time and are genuinely interested in communicating.Β 

6. Show them the value you can provide

Consider how your new contacts might benefit from the products and services that you offer. Show them what difficulties and obstacles you can assist them with and how you can do it in order to connect with them more effectively.

According to a research on organizational psychology across many industries, one remarkable similarity across most LinkedIn users that was found is that the majority of people are willing to offer value to others with the expectation that others will offer value in return.


Best strategies to make a Perfect Thank You Message Template

There are two ways to send a thank you note on social media: manually searching for individuals to contact and writing a standard three-sentence response that you can customize for each connection. The other option is using an automation service that allows you to send a LinkedIn message automatically.Β 

Perfect Thank You Template

And, as with all networking, it’s critical to keep your attention on the other person rather than on yourself in order to build new connections. You should be interested in knowing more about them or assisting them in some way and building professional relationships. Below are some message templates to help you in send a message on various occasions.Β 

1. Offering help to your new contacts

Hello [FirstName],Β 

Thank you for taking up my invitation. I am pleased to connect with you.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you in [preferred field where you can help]?

Best regards,



2. Connecting with users you don’t personally know

Hello [FirstName]

Thank you for accepting my invitation.

I stumbled upon your LinkedIn page while browsing through my contacts. I realized we didn’t know each other very well, but I was curious to learn about [something from their profile].

As someone who is open to interacting with people who are willing to create a relationship, I’d like to know if there is any way I can assist you in your field of expertise.Β 

Kind regards,Β 


Connecting with users you don't personally know

3. Thanking someone for inviting you connect

Hey [First Name]

Thank you for inviting me to connect with you. I’m delighted to be a part of your network. I see you are interested in and expertise in [a relevant topic], and I’d like to talk with you more about it.

I’m looking forward to keeping in touch.


[Your Name]

4. Thanking someone for accepting your invitation

Hey [First Name]Β 

Thank you for adding me on LinkedIn. It gives me great pleasure and honor to connect. [Mentions something you have in common, anything you’d like to learn more about, or how you might be of assistance to them.]

I’m looking forward to keeping in touch.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

5. Thank You for Prior Interaction

Hey [their name].

It was a pleasure to meet/talk with you on [day]. I was very interested in hearing your perspectives about [conversation topic], and I wanted to thank you for your time.

I just wanted to send you a message to let you know that I am still really interested. If you have any more ideas, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me via [phone/email/message].

Thank youΒ 

[Your Name].

6. Providing value to your connections

Hey [FirstName]

Thank you for connecting; I’m glad to have you in my network now.

The content we share is perhaps one of the best methods for us to get to know each other better. I saw your new article, and I really enjoyed reading your perspective on the [relevant topic].

Here’s a post I found useful that’s been written for your niche [share something useful with them.] I hope you find this blog informative; please let me know what you think of it, and feel free to leave a comment.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


Providing value to your connections

7. LinkedIn Thank You message after an Interview

Hello Mr. /Mrs. [LastName]

I wanted to express my appreciation for your time today. I believe I thoroughly comprehended the job role and how to execute it and I am confident that our collaboration will be fruitful if I get selected.

Meanwhile, I wish you a wonderful day, and thank you once again for your time and the clarity of information!



8. Congratulating them on their success

Congratulating them on their success

Greetings [FirstName].

It’s lovely to hear from you! I see from your LinkedIn profile that you are now [something they accomplished in the profile.] Congratulations! Is there any way I can help you in your endeavors?

Please let me know who would be a good fit for your contacts if I can introduce you to someone in my network. Thank you again for your acceptance, and please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions.




9. Introducing them to your contact

Hey [FirstName]

Thank you for connecting on LinkedIn. I’m excited to find out more about you. Have a look at my connections, and if there is someone you would like to be connected to, I would be delighted to make the introduction.

I’m here to establish significant connections because I strongly believe in networking!




What NOT to do while writing a Thank You note

It’s simple to strike up a conversation when your goal is to establish new contacts that can lead to new sales and collaborations. The first impression and message after the request message should be meticulously planned.

However, there are certain things you should avoid doing. Below are some tips on them.Β 

  • Avoid pitching anything, whether it’s a meeting, a business, or a job. Because the goal of a Thank You is to establish a future relationship, simply thank the individual for connecting.
  • Send a short message as you’re writing for mobile devices. Other individuals, like you, are preoccupied. So limit yourself to three short phrases at most. Before you hit β€œsend,” remove any unnecessary words.
  • Do not make it about yourself, your service, or your products, and make your conversation more about them. If you’re patient enough to listen to them, they’ll gladly agree to talk about themselves.
  • When sending β€œthank you” messages, never try to sell something in your replies. Don’t write long messages; they can quickly bore the recipient. Instead, send out generic messages.



Remember that expressing gratitude is free, and at the same time, it makes others happy. LinkedIn is a human social network, and it is not, at least not initially, a platform for business exchanges. For sure, communicating and finding clients on the network is indeed useful, but you don’t do it the same way on LinkedIn as you would at a trade fair.

You must be subtle in order to gain the understanding of those who read your messages. It’s a platform with a lot of spam, so it is pertinent to stray away from the classic methods if you want to get ahead.


Thank You messages can help you strengthen your LinkedIn relationships while also adding credibility to your profile. Therefore, when you write one after connecting with someone, you have the opportunity to start a dialogue that could lead to mutual benefits. Best wishes!



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