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Free SEO Content Template (PDF/DOCX/Google Doc)

‘SEO’, stands for search engine optimization. It is a well known strategy used by various websites to improve traffic from organic and free results in the search engine. In recent years, it has become a popular means of boosting a website's rank on the SERPs. The [...]

Free Comparison Article Template (PDF/DOC/Google Doc)

What is a comparison post? Category comparison articles are the same as the professional and con articles, but rather than discussing the advantages and downsides of two products or services, you’re comparing similarities and differences by category. For example, rather than listing out the pros and cons of buying a glass and wood greenhouse versus metal and plastic, you'd compare [...]

Free Marketing Report Template (PDF/DOCX/Google Doc)

In the marketing field, it is useful to keep track of the performance of your marketing strategies. This way, you can improve upon your current methods for better results. However, it is quite difficult to spend a considerable amount of time in just analyzing your performance [...]

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