Consider the most recent email a company sent to you. Did you read everything before selecting delete?

What about a message from a friend? You probably took the time to read it cover to cover. When speaking with your consumers, you want them to respond in this manner. And to make it easy, you may do that by sending an email with a referral link.


Emails that explain a company’s referral program are sent to current clients in the form of referral emails. These emails are straightforward, individual, and a terrific approach to build enduring relationships with your most devoted clients.

To send a referral email is typically one of the simplest ways to obtain client recommendations, especially if you already have pre-written and pre-formatted referral email templates available.

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While a referral program aids in the expansion of your company through the focused word-of-mouth of your existing customers, one of the greatest methods to inform clients about this programme is through a referral email.

Successful referral emails are more intimate and effective at grabbing your customers’ attention than billboards or other forms of mass marketing. But they’re also simple to brand-customize and provide more information than a brief SMS or direct message.

There are two different kinds of referrals, and each offer important benefits.

The first option is to ask for referrals to a client to recommend to one of their connections in the same industry. This indicates that your new candidate is well-qualified. They operate in the same market, dealing with the same product or service, are likely dealing with similar issues, and have a decent possibility of benefiting from your offering.

Second, a client could recommend you to one of their friends. That reference comes with a lot of confidence, even when they are in a different scenario or business. It’s the best way to determine trust.

Here are some statistics supporting the value of referrals today:

• According to 60% of marketers, referral programs provide a lot of leads.

• 54% of marketers claim that compared to other channels, referral programs have a lower cost per lead.

• Referral marketing initiatives produce good or exceptional leads, according to 78% of B2B marketers.


1. Subject Line: Business managers have demanding schedules and little free time. They will most likely skip an email if it has an unclear subject line or anything that does not catch their attention. A compelling, attention-grabbing subject line that comes straight to the point for your recommendation email should spell out your goals in full. As a result, it is usually a good idea to include the referrer’s name in the subject line.

2. Formatting: Making a strong first impression is crucial for job seekers. A reference email should be formatted appropriately because it is a business communication. Customize your email as a business letter is one technique to encourage professionalism. In the email body, be sure to include your contact details.

3. Mention mutuals: If the business manager knows the individual who suggested you, they are more likely to evaluate your CV. Mentioning your shared acquaintance in your writing may draw the reader’s attention and perhaps even prompt a mail reply.

4. Be clear: If someone has read your email, they will be interested in the details right immediately. State the purpose of your email in the first few phrases after describing how you got to their notice. Don’t mince words if you’re looking for work. Explain your goals in detail.

5. Don’t be comprehensive: Your email will be reviewed and all the information will be given if it is clear and well-planned. Avoid writing lengthy emails that go into great detail about your career experience or the reasons you are looking for a job.

6. Resume: Always keep in mind to include your resume to your reference email if you are seeking for a job. Before offering guidance, the reader may wish to look into your job history even if you are asking for suggestions or references.

7. Designation: Always include a sentence in your recommendation email thanking the reader for their time and attention. Additionally, it motivates the reader to respond to your email.


1. SUBJECT: Looking to Help the Network of [Colleague’s Name] with [Product/Service/Solution]

Hello [name of coworker], I hope everything is good since our last conversation at [the most recent event you spoke at].

As you are aware, I [run/started a business] that engages in [scope of business] or [began/am now in a sales role for a firm]. In light of this, I wanted to get in touch to see if you knew of anyone who could be interested in our [product/service].

[Niche market and description of ideal consumer] would make an excellent (customer/client). [Differentiating factor] is one of the things that really sets us apart. This contributes to our ability to provide [description of value proposition] to our [clients/customers].

If you think of someone, please have them get in touch with me using the details below or send me an email with them on the recipient list.

We are also providing a [reward] for each referral [customer/client] that is brought in.

Thank you for your time.


(Company Title)

(Email Address)

(Contact information)


2. SUBJECT: (Your company name) should send referrals to (their company name).

Hello [name of person], I hope business is doing well in [their industry].

Since your company falls inside [their company’s area of expertise], I wanted to get in touch since I think there is potential for us to transfer recommendations back and forth.

We provide [description of value proposition] as a [scope of your business] firm, which makes us very complimentary to your services. [Description of unique selling point] is one of the things that sets us apart. [Niche market and ideal customer description] is our ideal [client/customer].

I’d want to set up a conversation to find out more about your company and your ideal [client/customer] to see how we can support one another.

Please let me know if you are available in the upcoming weeks, or use the button below to schedule an appointment at a time that is convenient for you. We are also providing a [reward] for each referral [customer/client] that is brought in.

Thank you for your time.

(Button to Schedule Appointment)


(Company Title)

(Email Address)

(Contact information)


3. SUBJECT: Searching for Lead Exchanges with [their company]

Hello [name of person], I hope business is doing well in [their industry].

I wanted to let you know about potential referral possibilities for both of us. I provide [description of value proposition] through [scope of business], similar to your business.

The [explanation of how you vary in terms of market niche or breadth of service] is the main distinction, though. Having said that, I believe there is great potential for my company to refer leads your way and vice versa given the many expertise we both have.

I’d want to set up a conversation to find out more about your company and your ideal [client/customer] to see how we can support one another. Please let me know if you are available in the upcoming weeks, or use the button below to schedule an appointment at a convenient time.

We are also providing a [reward] for each referral [customer/client] that is brought in.

Thank you for your time.


(Company Title)

(Email Address)

(Contact information)

A key element of sales management is putting an effective referral marketing plan into practice. You may create possibilities to generate leads from a variety of sources inside your personal and professional sphere of influence by utilizing these scenario-based referral email templates to learn how to write a recommendation email.

We hope you found this article helpful. Please don’t forget to leave a comment. All the best!






















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