Everyone craves evergreen content. All of us are in constant search of ways to revitalise our piece of writing to make it more appealing. What if we could use AI for that? The wonders of AI are no doubt remarkable.  But can AI help us in refreshing our content?

The answer is YES! 

Modern technology has developed a new AI-powered tool called AI Rewriter, which has been gaining ground in the world of SEO.

Let’s dig into it! 

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An AI rewriter(also known as AI Spinner)  is a software that can help us in rephrasing a piece of writing without changing the ideas or information it contains. It can restructure the content style, translate an article and give it a whole new outlook. 

It uses AI to process your content and transform it. Besides, it can read, learn and understand the content to change it into a whole new version in no time.  


Well, now that you know what an AI rewriter is, you must be wondering how it can add value to your content creation, isn’t it? It might take a while to answer that question because I find numerous applications of such a great tool in different facets of our Content Management routine. 

I have enlisted below a few uses of AI Rewriter that can come in handy in the present era of digital marketing: 


  • SEO: An AI Spinner has a significant role to play in your SEO campaigns. Content Management is an integral part of SEO, but we must not forget how challenging it can be, especially when we have limited time and so much work already piled up. Owing to this, an AI spinner is the best tool to use for creating engaging content. AI spinners can be effectively used to refresh our content so that it doesn’t seem irrelevant in the eyes of the Search Engine. For instance, you might have some articles that were written long ago, but an AI spinner can make them seem brand new to keep up your page’s rank.


  • IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR CONTENT: AI spinners are excellent at polishing your content from top to bottom. If you find your content unappealing, then an AI rewriter might be the right choice for you to enhance the quality of your content.


  • TO COPE UP WITH THE BURDEN: As mentioned earlier, Content Management can be quite hectic, especially for large firms. This is the stage where an AI spinner is incredibly useful in increasing your productivity and saving your time when you are overburdened with numerous articles.



In these tough times of extreme competition, undermining the necessity of an AI rewriter seems quite foolish. New users might find it pointless thinking that the tool is just a means of rephrasing the articles already written. However, that’s not the scenario. An AI rewriter is of extreme importance to keep the content brand new. This makes search engines see it as an updated version to look more current. 

Secondly,  adding new content is an effective way to make your website more SEO friendly. Adding content regularly increases your brand awareness by registering your brand in the minds of your readers. 

Therefore, an AI Rewriter is a must for everyone regardless of whether you are a professional or a bog firm.



Now that you know the usefulness of an AI rewriter, you must be wondering where you can get such a tool, aren’t you? Well, the internet is flooded with countless options from different websites, but how can you choose between them? Should you go about testing each one of them until you find the right one? Now, that’s not a great option considering the time and effort it might cost you. Don’t worry; I have got it covered! I will introduce a website that offers you one of the best AI tools which can be used to perform all your rewriting tasks, but before I begin with that, let me give you a gist of what makes an AI rewriter more productive and efficient. 

Firstly, a great AI Spinner doesn’t just shuffle words in an article. It should be able to substitute words or phrases with their better versions to make the article look more attractive(or professional). 

Secondly, ensure that the AI rewriter you choose can work in bulk as well as in chunks. This means it should be able to perform its job irrespective of whether it’s a long article or a few words. 

Now, let’s get back to the website I was talking about. It is WRITECREAM that offers a host of AI-powered tools that are not only efficient but also user friendly. 

Without beating about the bush, let’s learn about the tool that helps us in rewriting content. 

It’s the Long Form Editor, which can serve all the needs of a content creator, such as creating product/brand descriptions, blog articles, blog introduction/conclusion and last but not least, help us in rewriting or expanding content. It has all the needed qualities to assist the users by saving their time and giving the best results. 



Let’s admit that AI-powered tools are always a good choice, so why shouldn’t Writecream be? Writecream’s Long Form Editor also uses AI to transform the text, which in many cases is even better than what a professional writer could have written. 

Secondly, as I mentioned earlier, time is indeed a luxury these days. So, a tool like Long Form Editor can be very effective in increasing productivity and saving valuable time. 

Lastly, it is cost-effective and requires minimum effort. Imagine having a professional writer for editing each piece of content. How much do you think they might charge? Perhaps, $5 per article. So, if at the end of the month, you have edited around 50 articles, then it costs you around $250, that too only for rewriting. Instead, you could avail of Writecream’s wide range of pocket-friendly plans that not only give you access to the Long-Form Editor but a bunch of other tools that may prove handy in your other SEO campaigns. 


One feature that Writecream proudly boasts of is its simple user interface. Creating and managing content is just a piece of cake with Writecream.

Let me walk you through the steps!

  • First of all, sign up on the official website of Writecream by creating a free account.
  • On successfully signing up, you will land on the main dashboard, from where you will be able to access numerous tools.


  • Scroll down until you see a tool called Long-Form Editor. Click on it, and you will land on a page where you will have to choose a use case. Besides, you need to enter your product name and a brief description that contains every piece of information. You can also choose a tone for your output.

  • Once done, click on ‘Write For Me’. In a few seconds, the tool generates different outputs from which you can choose the one that suits you best. 
  • Once you choose, you can select a particular sentence by double-clicking on it. On double-clicking, a floating bar will appear with numerous editing options, including the rewrite option. Click on the ‘rewrite’, and the selected text automatically changes. 



That was all about using the Long Form Editor to rewrite an existing piece of content. There’s no end to the number of times you can rewrite content using Writecream. With AI, it can easily transform words, sentences and long paragraphs. 

Do give it a try and let us know your experience in the comment section below! 


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