Every SEO professional wants to target the same core keywords, but there seems to be increasing competition in this area, making it necessary to find more innovative strategies to stay competitive.

What is the solution? It is a long-tail keyword.

Long-tail keywords have been employed by professionals providing SEO services for a while, and they continue to be effective. It can be an effective strategy to benefit from high-intent search traffic if implemented properly.

Why Makes Long-Tail Keywords Valuable?

1. Less Competitive

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Since there is comparatively less competition for long-tail keywords, they are much simpler to rank for than short-tail keywords. They also make up 70% of all web searches, so if you don’t prioritise them in your plan, you’re losing out on a tonne of chances to attract high-quality visitors.

2. Improved Conversion Rate

Since users of long-tail keywords are more knowledgeable about their needs, they have higher conversion rates. For instance, a person who searches for “kids sneakers online” is more likely to make a purchase right away than a person who just looks for “kids sneakers.”

3. Increases The Chance That Your Work Will Be Seen

The outcomes of modern Google searches are much more individualised when somebody searches for a long-tail keyword based on their location, interests, age, sex, etc. In other words, two users who enter the same search query could get different outcomes. Since they are more precise, long tail keywords might aid in optimising your website for various types of searchers.

Benefits of Using Long-Tail Keywords

1. You will also benefit from ranking for short-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords frequently already contain the short phrases you probably wish to rank for. By improving your rating for both your specialised, targeted keywords and those main keywords, it is easier to accomplish both of your objectives. This is wonderful news because higher site rankings equate to more organic visitors.

2. It improves your blogging approach

Making a blog is one of the simplest ways for your website to begin ranking. You don’t need to fret if you’re unsure of where to begin because your long-tail keywords can help. By incorporating that key phrase into your post, you can gain insights into what your audience is looking for and solve some of their problems.

3. It enables you to edit and customise your content

Let’s expand on how long-tail keywords should direct the content you create. Long-tail keywords typically contain descriptive words like gender, country, or geography and are made out of four to five words (and perhaps much longer). By developing multiple pieces of content that may support the many categories and services your business provides, you can take advantage of this to your benefit. By doing so, you can better focus your content strategy and take advantage of contextual marketing.

4. Google Analytics is a resource for ideas

Long-tail keyword research is simpler because some of them may already be in your online analytics tool, such as Google Analytics. Your ability to see the success of your chosen long-tail keywords, including search traffic and conversion rates, when combined with Google Search Console, will enable you to pick the most effective ones for your SEO plan.

5. It makes you ready for upcoming trends

The more conversational nature of long-tail keywords is an essential component of your SEO approach. They are at the core of Google’s most recent search algorithm, which intends to investigate Natural Language Processing (NLP) and search intent. Long-tail keyword-rich results are given preference by all search engines, including voice assistants that read off replies from featured snippets.

In conclusion, using long-tail keywords is essential for the success of any blog or website.

How to Find Long-Tail Keywords?

The following methods will help you find long-tail keywords for your website. There are several techniques you can employ to locate long-tail keywords. Some are simply wrong, some are a little bit “unconventional,” and some are more tiresome than others.

Use the Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

This technique, in contrast to the previous one, doesn’t involve any tiresome manual labour. Simply use the search volume filter in Keywords Explorer to get hundreds of long-tail keywords by searching for any word that describes your specialty.

Check the keywords that your rivals are utilising

Your competitors are a fantastic source of long-tail keywords. You can examine what long-tail keywords they are ranking for using Ahrefs’ Site Explorer.

Simply enter the URL of a competitor’s site into Site Explorer to check which long-tail keywords are driving traffic to their website in the Organic keywords report:

By doing so with 5–10 of your rivals’ websites, you can gather enough long-tail keyword suggestions to keep you busy for several months.

Search Reddit, Quora, and niche communities

People frequently post questions on sites like Quora and Reddit whenever they search Google for an answer but come up empty-handed.

The benefit of this approach is that those forum threads may have some insightful debates that can be helpful when writing a piece of content on that subject.

The drawback is that extracting long-tail keywords from forums is a time-consuming operation. To verify the search volumes and KD of your term ideas, you’ll still need to use an SEO tool like Keywords Explorer.

The fact is, though, that Keywords Explorer makes it simple to find the same keyword in the first place.


Now that you know how to find long-tail keywords, you can benefit from them. But keep in mind that your content determines how effective your long-tail targeting is.

It’s time to start producing high-value assets, posting about your business, and updating your online text in 2021 if you aren’t already known as an authority in your field. These actions will help your clients understand your unique value proposition (UVP).

Don’t forget to monitor your rankings and traffic as you create your content and optimise your pages to use your new long-tail keywords.

As you proceed, you can find even more keyword phrases you can use as targets, which will aid your on-page SEO and reputation-building efforts.


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