We spend a lot of time trying to attract visitors to our websites, but it turns out that for most businesses, conversion rates are the major sticking point. The CRO industry is still in its infancy, which is one of the causes. There is still much to be done. We considered accumulating 45 conversion rate optimization statistics to help make things somewhat easier. These can help you get a better picture of what you can do or avoid doing to get the conversion rate to increase and shift the needle to green.

In this post, you will find the top 10 conversion rate optimization statistics for 2022.

Let’s get started!

#1. The 2.17 percent worldwide eCommerce conversion rate

Only 2.58% of global online website visits in the second quarter of 2019 resulted in purchases. Even though eCommerce companies are now attempting to increase their sales and page views, many customers still prefer to shop in traditional stores.

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#2. 2.35 percent is the typical website conversion rate across all industries

According to many websites, this number has changed. The firm is in a flourishing stage if the conversion rate is between 2 and 3 percent.

#3. At 18.2%, the food and culinary industry have the greatest conversion rate

The media and entertainment sector has a conversion rate of 18.1 percent, followed by the financial and insurance sector at 15.1 percent, the legal sector at 14.5 percent, the education sector at 14.2 percent, and the fitness and nutrition sector at 13.2 percent.

#4. Legal firms have the best conversion rate (7.4%) in the business-to-business situation

Legal services have the greatest B2B lead conversion rate, according to statistics on conversion rate optimization. The second-best average conversion rate belongs to POS (Point of Sales) services.

#5: Facebook advertisements have a conversion rate of 9.21% on average

Compared to other websites, Facebook advertising is four times more successful at turning visitors into paying consumers.

#6. The conversion rate for mobile eCommerce is only 1.81 percent

The rate of mobile eCommerce demonstrates that businesses should concentrate on creating apps if they want to win over customers. The average eCommerce conversion rate for desktops was 1.98 percent in 2020, according to information on conversion rate optimization.

#7. The average eCommerce conversion rate for Google is 8.2 percent

Google has been able to reach an average conversion rate of 8.2 percent by using a variety of channels. It demonstrates that the list of conversion scales is dominated by search engines.

#8. Over the past two years, traders’ use of artificial intelligence (AI) has increased by 190 percent

Tools connected to artificial intelligence have grown in popularity in the sectors of conversion and optimization. Businesses have increased their use of AI by 190% between 2019 and 2020.

#9. Facebook fitness advertising has a conversion rate of 14.9%

Facebook has a staggering average conversion rate of 9.21 percent, according to social media conversion data. The platform’s fitness ads have a conversion rate of up to 14.9%.

#10. Website analytics tools are regularly used to increase conversions

69 percent of web analytics tools have been adopted. As part of their CRO approach, about 64 percent of traders conduct user experience testing, 61 percent personalize, and 57 percent run content tests.


Conversion rate optimization involves a variety of elements, including market research, consumer psychology, and alignment with expectations.

Your conversion rates will improve over time as you become more familiar with these, in order to understand what now works and what doesn’t, stay up with the latest trends and CRO statistics.

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