Writing blog articles is a great way to create a passive income. But sometimes it can be challenging to keep up a consistent pace. While you might not want to write a thousand articles a day, it is possible.
That’s why I’ve come up with this concise blog post formula that will help you increase your blog article production. Follow these 10 formulas to start churning out blog posts like a pro.
What’s the need of copywriting formulas?
You may scratch your head thinking, what’s the use of a copywriting formula? Doesn’t that make my job harder? With so much to remember, won’t my head explode from information overload?
Hold on!
The great thing about writing formulas is that once you use them, it means you don’t have to start from scratch every time you sit down to write them. Their informative simplicity tells you what to write and how to write – freeing up brain space for more creative thinking that is required as a copywriter.
Before getting into the master formulas for copywriting I would like to introduce to my readers an amazing copywriting tool by our AI powered platform Writecream.
Writecream helps you solve your writing problems be it, blog posts, digital ad copies, website copy and much more. You can get more details about us in this article here.
Now let’s get to know how to use this tool.
When you sign up for a free account at Writecream, you see a number of tools in your dashboard including a lot of free tools. Select any copywriting tool and get started.
Suppose we select the PAS Copywriting tool. Now enter and Brand name and Product description and click on the generate button.
Here are the outputs. You can choose any of your choice or generate more outputs by clicking on the generate button.
So this is how you can use writecream for your copywriting issues.
Now let’s get to know the 10 Master Formulas that will save you from all the brainstorming and hassle.
1. PAS or the Problem, Agitate, Solution Formula:
A lot of times it becomes difficult to give a proper structure to an article. The simplest way is to follow the PAS technique.
This is a very simple and effective technique and has endless applications including in blog posts, email headlines and social media posts. This technique is widely used not only for its effectiveness but for its efficiency as it saves a lot of hours spent to think for a perfect start.
So this technique goes as:
- Problem: Identify a problem you know your readers have.
- Agitate: Use emotion to aggravate the issue to make it look worse.
- Solution: And then offer an actionable and effective solution for the problem so as to give a proper structure to your blog post.
Here’s an example:
10 Emotionally Draining Habits And How To Avoid Them
- Problem: Emotionally Draining Habits.
- Agitate: Draining is an emotionally agitating word.
- Solution: You’re helping them avoid those particular habits by giving some tips.
2. AIDA or the Attention, Interest, Desire, Action:
Another popular technique is AIDA.
This stands for:
- Attention: Grabbing your reader’s attention.
- Interest: Generate interest and curiosity among readers towards a particular topic.
- Desire: Provide something in accordance with their desires.
- Action: Encourage them to take action.
Here is an example:
Do You Want To Generate 10 Blog Posts Per Day Without All The Brainstorming?
Attention: “Do You Want To” grabs the attention.
Interest: Make the reader curious with relevant tips and tricks to generate 10 blogs per day.
Desire: “Without Brainstorming”, the easy way of course!
Action: Give suggestions regarding a copywriting platform and get them to try it.
3. The 6+1 Formula:
The 6+1 formula focuses on the importance of using context in copywriting and was created as an alternative to the previous formula AIDA.
The 6+1 steps are as follows:
- Step 1:
Context: Secure the context or circumstances by asking and answering the questions; “Who are you? Why are you talking to me?”
- Step 2:
Attention: Grab the attention of your readers.
- Step 3:
Desire: Make your readers desire and want something.
- Step 4:
The Gap: Make readers aware that they have to take some kind of action. This means, explain the consequences of them not taking action.
- Step 5:
Solution: Propose an actionable solution.
- Step 6:
Call to Action: Conclude with a call to action.
- Go An Extra Mile
You can do all of the above steps but still there’s one thing missing and that’s Credibility.
If your audience doesn’t believe what you say, or distrust your authority or position to say it, then they have no reason to follow through on anything you ask them to do, no matter how well you follow the above steps.
Therefore, to establish credibility, you have to build a relationship of understanding. You need to make sure that you are aware of your readers’ reality intimately because without knowing it you can’t give suggestions to improve it.
This stands for:
Problem, Amplify, Story, Transformation, Offer, Response.
The PASTOR formula is a very effective solution for writing copy for landing pages, sales pages and convincing blog posts.
Let’s get to know how it works:
- Problem: Identify and explain the problem to the reader.
- Amplify: Amplify the problem by showing the consequences of not solving it.
- Story and Solution: Try persuading your audience through storytelling. You can give them an instance where someone solved their problem by using your solution effectively.
- Transformation: Try to provide more real-life case studies in support of your point.
- Offer: Explain your proposal to your reader.
- Response: Conclude with a call to action providing a further course of action to your readers.
This is an amazing technique and helps you write your blog post without thinking much about its structure and outline. This formula helps to create a full-fledged post covering all aspects.
5. The 4 P’s of Copywriting:
PPPP: Picture, Promise, Prove, Push
This formula also taps into storytelling to create an emotional connection between the writer and the audience.
Here’s it’s working:
- Picture: Try painting a picture through storytelling to let your readers beget a desire for your offering.
- Promise: Show them the benefits that you promise to deliver.
- Prove: Prove your point with the help of case studies, testimonials and other evidence that supports it best.
- Push: Motivate the audience to take action through careful encouragement.
6. IDCA:
Interest, Desire, Conviction, Action is what IDCA stands for.
Similar to AIDA, this formula works when you have the audience’s attention already. Conviction is added for reassurance and to help convince readers to act.
Here’s the simple application:
- Interest: Ensure that your readers are interested in the topic.
- Desire: Make them desire something.
- Conviction: You need to convince and reassure your audience about the issue.
- Action: Propel them to take action.
Another actionable formula is Qualify, Understand, Educate, Stimulate/Sell and Transition.
This is how it works:
- Qualify: Prepare your audience for what they’re about to read. You also try to emphasize who usually has this problem, who this solution is for, and/or who it is not for. The aim is to create awareness and qualify the reader.
- Understand: Make sure your reader knows that you understand them.
- Educate: Educate the reader on the solution to the issue at hand.
- Stimulate/Sell: Sell your solution to the reader.
- Transition: Last but not the least, turn your reader from a prospect into a customer.
8. FACE:
FACE stands for Familiar, Audience, Cost and Education.
This formula is a great one to use if you’re not sure how long your content should be. It uses 4 key factors to determine this. These are:
- Familiar: To what extent is your audience familiar with your blogs or articles? Do you need to build on that familiarity to ensure credibility?
- Audience: Who is your target audience?
- Cost: How much does your product or service that you’re offering cost?
- Education: Do you need to teach your audience anything first before giving your proposal.
This technique helps in saving hours of brainstorming required to start the article as you have done your market research and you’re aware of some basic factors like your audience, their nature, and related costs.
9. ACCA:
Next is the ACCA formula which stands for Attention, Comprehension, Conviction, Action.
ACCA is a variation of AIDA with a focus on clarity and greater understanding.
- Awareness: Make your readers aware of the issue at hand.
- Comprehension: Ensure clarity and understanding. Explain how the problem can impact their lives and also inform them that you have a solution.
- Conviction: Create conviction which encourages them to take action.
- Action: Encourage them to take action in a positive direction.
Here’s an example:
“This is Adversely Harming Our Planet”.
Here you’ll create awareness of what is detrimental to the health of our planet. Then you’ll explain the issue to ensure clarity among the readers. You’ll convince them so that they are encouraged to act in a positive direction.
AIDPPC stands for Attention, Interest, Description, Persuasion, Proof, Close.
This formula was given by Robert Collier and is again a variation of AIDA. This formula is believed to be the best one for creating a sales letter and can also be applied while generating blog posts.
- Attention: Just like AIDA, grab your reader’s attention.
- Interest: Generate interest and curiosity among readers towards the issue at hand.
- Description: Describe the problem, give an actionable solution and information that provides the reader with more detail.
- Persuasion: Convince your readers to take action in a certain direction.
- Proof: You also need to provide proof to your audience to ensure credibility. Prove they can trust you to deliver.
- Close: And lastly, end up with a call to action.
So these were the top 10 copywriting formulas that can help you generate content along with saving a lot of stressful hours of brainstorming.
These formulas are full-proof and would work even if you’re a self-proclaimed terrible writer or are used to spending weeks dwelling, days writing, and hours editing.
You can create a persuasive powerhouse of a blog post without consuming days of your time. You don’t have to spend days on a blog article if you’re utilizing the power of these formulas. It doesn’t take any kind of magic or exceptional talent. What it needs is dedication and faith in institutions that have already demonstrated their ability to produce results. There will be times when the process becomes arduous, but you will be relieved when people start connecting and relating to your ideas and that level of satisfaction is unmatchable.