Wondering if you need to conduct a survey? Have you ever heard of Voxpopme? Every now and then we hold on and wonder whether our actions are reaping the desired results or not, isn’t it? Particularly if we are running a business or managing one we are ever eager to uncover the results of our actions or decisions. That’s what Surveys are for! I bet there’s hardly any business that doesn’t acknowledge the importance of a survey. 

Surveys are a great way to have a peek into what your customers have been thinking of your current products/services as well as whatever stuff has been brewing up about your company in the market. This not only uncovers a lot of opportunities for improvement of certain important areas but also assists in decision-making. One such survey that has been gaining ground lately is Video Survey. They have become quite a significant part of every survey as businesses can easily corner the feedback of their customers through videos. But is it as simple as it sounds? Of course not! That’s where a video survey software like Voxpopme comes in. So, as I had asked in the beginning, do you know about Voxpopme? I guess not, as if you knew about it why would you be reading this article? My bad!

Enough with the jibber-jabber, let’s get to the point. This article will furnish you with all the needed information about Voxpopme and help you decide whether it’s worth your time. So, keep reading!

Voxpopme: Get  Insightful Video  Surveys!

For those, who are still wondering what Voxpopme is, let me give a brief idea. It is a video survey software that brings innovation to the way you acquire your customers’ feedback on your products/services. Through it, a business can get video responses from their customers which are more effective in long-term decision-making. 

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Voxpopme Features

Now that you know what Voxpopme is, let’s take a look at its use cases. 


  • Keeping Track of In-home Usage: Say goodbye to those old-age methods of post-usage surveys. With Voxpopme you can uncover facts about how your customers are using your products and interacting with them by incorporating video testing into your surveys. This facilitates real-time feedback with minimal investment and effort.


  • Concept Testing: The term itself says that this feature lets you get the video feedback of your customers on your upcoming advertisements and product development campaigns. You can easily get pre-launch opinions of your customers by presenting concept ideas and casting Ad options, trailers, etc. This helps you deliver more personalized content to your audience and win their hearts.


  • Digital Usability Testing: Monitoring the interactions of customers and visitors with your websites is something every business wants but not everyone is able to pull it off that easily. But what if you can monitor your visitor’s journey through your site using a video? No, I am not speaking of just screen recording. With Voxpopme, you can track how your customer is navigating through your site, live and on a real-time basis. This creates more transparency between your users and you which in turn helps you solve their issues promptly.


  • Research Backed By Ethnography: In their words, “Take a step into the consumer’s world” using Ethnographic Research. Ethnographic Research lets you interpret your customer’s ideas and experiences from their perception. Oh yes, you can step into your customer’s world without being physically present there. This involves creating tasks and asking your consumers to fulfill them and creating videos that give you a sneak peek into their lives, the way they are using your products, and getting to know them better.


  • Brand Tracking: Termed by them as “Tracking Studies” you can take your brand tracking to the next level. Most of us are already into tracking the changing trends and preferences of our customers but not all of us are able to effectively discover the reasons behind such changes. Besides, it becomes a lot more time-consuming if we are to do both simultaneously. Luckily, with Voxpopme it got way easier. Using it, you can easily add video questions to your existing surveys or tracking studies, requesting your customers to leave a follow-up response that gets you to the bottom of the problem. This will transform your existing brand tracking strategies to a whole new level.


  • Focus Groups & In-Depth Interviews: This feature makes video analysis a lot more convenient than it was with traditional methods. Not only can you easily evaluate your research but also share them with important stakeholders. You can upload long videos like In-depth interviews into the Voxpopme platform for a more qualitative and automated analysis. Besides, you can do a lot more things like tagging, segmenting, and creating showreels to share with your stakeholders.


  • Hybrid Research: Amplify the efficacy of your surveys using Hybrid research. The aim of this hybrid research is to get rid of the cumbersome and time-consuming method of gathering text-based responses from customers. With this hybrid form of research you can include video questions into your surveys to help customers to not just give answers but also communicate their emotions. This helps in generating more in-depth responses that tell the true story behind your customer’s reaction.


  • In-Store/Shelf-testing: This feature is by far the best in my eyes. What’s the best way to keep an eye on customer behavior while they are shopping? In-store video testing! Get to know your customer’s behavior during shopping and learn about what drives them towards your product and what drives them away from it. Imagine lying on a sofa and still being able to keep an eye on your customer’s shopping experience.

Voxpopme Pricing

Voxpopme offers different plans for users based on their business size and requirements. Let’s take a look, shall we? 

For starters, there’s a Solo plan which is best for launching quick video surveys. It’s great for a single user and costs $199/month. It includes features like 25 video surveys, 5 hours of video uploads, and automated video transcription. 

Next, there is a Team plan that is best for small teams which prefer video surveys on a large scale. It can be used by 3 users and costs $349/month. It comes with features like 50 video surveys, 10 hours of video uploads, and most importantly, advanced video analysis. 

Does the Team plan can’t suffice your requirements? Go for the Pro plan! It costs $649/month and can be used by 5 users. It includes benefits like 125 video surveys, 25 hours of video uploads and the automated showreels feature I talked about earlier. 

For large-scale business they also offer an Enterprise plan that can give you video insights at a huge scale. But for availing this plan you have to contact the Voxpopme team and know all the details. Oh yes, there’s also a 14-day free trial using which you can try out all its features before going for the paid plans.

Voxpopme Reviews

Now, before you go for Voxpopme, let me show you some reviews and ratings it has got from its users.

To begin with, Voxpopme has scored an overall rating of 4.3 out of 5 on G2.com. Furthermore, take a look at what users say about their experience.

Here’s another review from a user who found it really helpful in communicating with their customers and clients.

Well, that’s enough I think. Anyways, we are done for now. I hope you enjoyed reading this article. It is best to make an informed decision without rushing into something that is totally new and I hope this article was able to bring into light everything you might have needed to decide. Also, if you have any doubts or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below.


Thank you for reading!


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