
What is Woodpecker Email?

Woodpecker.co is an efficient and user-friendly cold email marketing tool that lets you generate automated email marketing campaigns. B2B enterprises primarily employ it to personalize, automate, and track their outbound sales campaigns. The software works with Gmail, Outlook, and any other IMAP account you may have. You can have as many team members as you want, and each space can have several team members. This function is especially beneficial if you’re part of a large team and need to communicate with the same prospect many times.

It sends emails at odd intervals and spaces them out automatically. This prevents them from ending up in the spam folder of the prospect’s inbox. There are built-in templates with custom fields, or snippets, that you may tweak to make the email more customized. Woodpecker goes above and beyond most of its competitors by offering detailed statistics and analysis on the campaigns it has generated. Interaction monitoring, lead nurturing, lead scoring, and segmentation metrics provide useful information about how well your campaign performed and where improvements can be made.

Woodpecker is ideal for cold emailing for B2B enterprises. The purpose of cold email marketing is to get a response, and Woodpecker makes this process relatively simple.

Main Features of Woodpecker

Woodpecker comes with many great features about which we’ll discuss in this article. Read on to find out.

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  1. Automated Follow-Up

You can use Woodpecker to automatically send follow-up mail within a thread.  It makes great sense since it ensures that your prospects get a complete picture of what you’re talking about – even if they didn’t open your first email, they can follow the thread and figure out what you’re talking about. Woodpecker also allows you to schedule the delivery of your campaign’s emails on specific days and hours within a specific time zone.

  1. Personalization

Woodpecker offers several personalization options, including company name, first name, and whatever custom field you choose. You can develop up to seven follow-up campaigns using Woodpecker. Each follow-up will be sent at a predetermined interval. If your prospect does not respond to your first email, for example, your second email can be sent three days later.

You may connect your Gmail, Outlook, or any other IMAP account to Woodpecker in a matter of seconds. For large teams that need to contact prospects repeatedly, you need many different email addresses and alias, which you can easily do with Woodpecker.

  1. Email Tracking

Woodpecker keeps track of your marketing and sales emails’ various statistics automatically. It tracks a variety of data, including:

  • Open Rate – The percent of email addresses that opened your email.
  • Sent – The total number of emails sent.
  • Click-through Rate – The percent of individuals who clicked at least one link in your email is called as the click-through rate.
  • Delivered – The number of IDs who received your email, as well as other information.

You can also categorize your campaign replies as interested, later, or uninterested. The number of favorable answers you’ve received for a certain campaign is then calculated by Woodpecker. This allows you to see which email templates, subject lines, and links are the most effective. You may then personalize future campaign messages to increase conversions!

  1. Security

Woodpecker places a high value on safety. As a first step in keeping your email secure, duplicates are removed by Woodpecker. Duplicates from your cold email prospect list are automatically recognized and eliminated by Woodpecker, whether you import your contacts manually, via CSV, or by syncing them with another application.

Furthermore, addresses that do not exist are avoided. If there’s a potential of a hard bounce, you won’t be able to send your email to that address. Simply avoiding getting blacklisted as a result of too many bounced emails is worth the cost. You will also be stopped from sending the same message to the same recipient, saving you a lot of embarrassment.

  1. Pricing

Woodpecker has a decent pricing policy of $40 per month per seat. Moreover, it costs $33 per month if you pay yearly. This is a fantastic deal, especially when you consider that you’ll get statistics to help you improve your cold email campaigns over time, as well as automated emails. Additional email inboxes can be added to the account for a fee. If you have two email boxes linked into one account and sent from two different email addresses, you’ll pay $80 per month. However, if your requirement is basic, the $40 per month (or $33 per month if you pay yearly) plan will suffice.

Disadvantages of Woodpecker

While Woodpecker is an excellent email marketing tool, it is not without flaws.

Here are a few of its shortcomings:

  1. Doesn’t facilitate email attachment

You can’t add email attachments to your mass emails in Woodpecker. When you wish to send emails with files like presentations, white papers, or even offers, this might be a significant problem. You’re limiting the level of engagement you have with your prospects since you can’t attach files to your emails. Furthermore, email trackers that accept attachments provide a wealth of information about your prospect contacts, which you won’t be able to measure. This information includes:

  • The number of hours they spend working on your documents.
  • The parts of the file that they are most interested in.
  • If your attachments are being sent or downloaded.

You won’t be able to measure any of this with Woodpecker.

  1. It can be expensive when compared to other tools

There are three pricing options for the Woodpecker app:

  • Start-up costs are $40 per month per user.
  • Team Pro costs $50 per month per user.
  • Enterprise price is customized according to user’s need.

The Start-up Plan includes features like automated email, analytics, and teamwork. All of this is included in the Team Pro plan, as well as integration features, whilst the Enterprise plan provides unique solutions.

Their plans include a 30-day free trial (no credit card required), thus they still might prove to be significantly more expensive than most other email marketing services. Even their most basic Start-up plan costs $40 per month per user! This might be a significant setback for businesses with numerous email marketers, as each of them will cost $40 per month!

  1. Woodpecker has to be dealt as a separate inbox

Another issue with Woodpecker is that it isn’t integrated with Gmail or Outlook. Instead, it serves as a completely independent inbox To some people it might be an issue because to track email interaction, people don’t prefer to open a different dashboard or interface.

Unfortunately, Woodpecker does not allow for the organization all of campaign responses, follow-ups, and reports into distinct labels at one place. You’ll have to juggle between tabs and inboxes to manage your emails if you use it.

Woodpecker Reviews

  1. G2.com

On G2.com, Woodpecker has a 4.4-star rating based on 35 reviews. The Woodpecker User Ratings are divided into the following categories:

  • Ease of Use: 8.7
  • Support Quality: 8.2
  • Ease of Setup: 8.5

Other product features receive good marks as well, including 88 percent for open rate tracking and 82 percent for link activity. G2 reviewers love the email platform integration, giving it a whooping 92 percent rating. The percentage of people who liked the scheduling email feature is 91 percent. Notification features are rated at 85%, while email classification and templates are rated at 80% and 87 percent, respectively.

  1. Capterra

Woodpecker has a 4.8 star rating on Capterra based on 19 user ratings. The following is a breakdown of the reviews:

  • Overall rating: 4.8/5
  • Ease of use: 4.8/5
  • Customer service: 4.6/5

The positive reviews praise the easy to use interface and smooth upload and tracking. The negative reviews highlighted some disparity in and lack of precision analytics of Woodpecker.

  1. Cuspera

On Cuspera, Woodpecker is rated 4.5 stars based on 859 reviews. The breakdown of the reviews are given below

  • Engaging and Following Up with E-Mail – 4.49/5
  • Sending & Publishing Communications with E-Mail – 3.46/5
  • Sales Document Management with E-Mail – 4.87/5
  • Sales Document Management with E-Mail – 4.87/5

The positive reviews highlighted the personalization feature in terms of quality and conversions. 92 percent reviews marked the ranked it high. Negative reviews sighted that the price is too high compared to other cold-emailing tools, if you are a small company and don’t have a big email subscriber list.


While Woodpecker is an excellent email service, it is not without flaws. It’s pricey, doesn’t support attachments, and requires you to switch between inboxes for your reports. Some businesses, on the other hand, prefer Woodpecker, and many of them have been regular users for years, applauding its user-friendly interface and ease of use. It has a significant number of professional users suggesting that it is a good choice for cold email automation.


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